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See what the future will bring

When we hear museums, we think of ancient relics and stunning paintings hidden away in glass cases. What if we tell you there’s a Museum of the Future? You don’t have to travel through time—just travel to Dubai! 

With so much awesome stuff about the Museum of the Future, we don’t even know where to start! First off, can we talk about its architecture? You’d never have to worry about getting lost on the way to the Museum of the Future. Its unique torus design is simply eye-catching amidst the towering skyscrapers surrounding it.

Not sure what else to do in Dubai? Don’t fret—this ultra-innovative museum offers heaps of interactive experiences! The Museum of the Future in Dubai gives us a captivating peek into our future by 2071. 

Have a look, below, and book your adventure into the future in Dubai!
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Content courtesy of our affiliate friends, Klook.