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Your pre-trip trip planning plan

Can you ever be too organised when you’re about to go on a trip? Is that even possible? You can never be too organised, because travel is a living, breathing organic thing. It changes like the wind. Like a bad video game, hurdles suddenly appear that you must leap over, most times with no warning or preparation.

For example, did you know that in Japan, you can have your luggage transported from hotel to hotel, freeing you up to navigate the train system without carrying bags? Or that in France, it’s pretty rude if you walk into a shop and don’t say hello to the staff? Or that in Thailand, you need to cover your shoulders and knees when entering temples?

Most travelers wouldn’t necessarily know these things, and while you can certainly learn some of these things on your trip, arming yourself with some basic knowledge about your destination in advance can help you avoid a faux pas, stay safe, save money, and have a better experience.

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